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20% Time Project

3rd blog_2019.2.8

This week, I mainly learned sus4 piano chords, and luckily, there were no difficulties so far. To get use to Major, Minor, and sus4 piano chords, I played a few pop songs that contained these chords. Since my goal of this project is to learn piano chords and Jazz songs, I didn't play the melody of the song when I was practicing.

While I was practicing, I was surprised at the fact that I was able to play most of the songs using these chords. Playing my favorite songs while singing made me feel so enthusiastic and pleasant. These days in Korea, there is a phrase saying "Music is the only drug that is allowed by the country." I think that this is a great phrase that emphasizes the importance of music and how influential it is to people. I'm sure that music takes a lot of parts not only in my life but also in your life as well. Imagine how painful will it be living without music. If there was no music, I might have had depression since I release my stress and get energy from music: I usually listen to pop songs, play piano, go to concerts and musicals, and sing with my friend at karaoke. Playing an instrument, singing, or even just listening to music can make your life better. I strongly recommend you to play at least one instrument, even though you are not majoring it. 

Next week, I will be learning more about Jazz piano and will be choosing a Jazz song that I will play. 

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