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20% Time Project

6th blog_2019.3.1

This week, I started to learn a new song “Fly Me To The Moon” and the song was about 5 pages. However, I only learned the first page, since I had to get used to the chords and the melody. This song requires a lot of artistic and technical skills so I guess it will take a lot of time to perfectly play this song.

While I was taking a piano lesson with my teacher, she told me about her own story. She told me that she had a strong feeling that she must be a Jazz pianist when she was 18 years old (which is my age). She played piano since she was 6 years old but she didn't had clear vision about being a pianist. She first learned classic piano but she loved the unexpected beat of Jazz piano. She thought that it was too late for her to be a Jazz pianist but it wasn't. She practiced almost 10 hours everyday and had strong passion and conviction. Most importantly, she believed in herself and her possibilities and did not give up. As a result, she became one of the great Jazz pianist giving people enjoyment and hope.

As I was listening to her story, I realized that whatever I do, having passion, courage, and believing myself is very important. I have a dream which is becoming a fashion designer and I'm preparing really hard for it. I'm not 100% sure about my vision, so I'm praying everyday for my future. I'm sure that one day I will find my way that God has already prepared for me.

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